Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing Lessons. The Question and Answer section for Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Lesson Plans.
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. When I came across Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing at the public library I was so excited! Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Reading Journal.
He's got a dad who makes commercials for a living, a mom who's really protective of her younger son, and a little brother who.
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. <p>Life with his little brother, two-year-old Fudge, makes Peter Hatcher feel like a fourth grade nothing.
Peter Hatcher is trying to have a normal life.but with a little brother like Fudge, anything's bound to happen! Peter's mother doesn't just want him to wash his hands, she wants him to scrub them. Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great.