Short Vowels Sounds Worksheets. Sts have to read, write the words and label the pictures. Short vowel sounds occur when a letter is not pronounced in the same way the letter sounds.
I have also created these reading cards for short vowel sounds. Size - Longest and Shortest Size - Shortest and Tallest Size - Smallest and Biggest Tracing Pre Writing Worksheets Tracing - Line Tracing - Preschool Tracing - Shape Tracing - Preschool Tracing. Sts have to read, write the words and label the pictures.
This vowels worksheet is a fun excercise to learn short vowel sounds.
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These worksheets will walk students through the process of breaking down the sounds. It will help understand word patterns in a better manner. Students will be asked to color the spaces with words that have a short a sound orange and can color the spaces.