Free Long And Short Vowel Worksheets. Learning short and long a vowels is of prime importance and proves to be a valuable skill when you start encountering high level vocabulary words. There are many rules for making a vowel a long vowel, or a vowel that says its name.
Save time and discover engaging curriculum for your classroom. Each worksheet focuses on determining the correct short vowel sound in each word or picture clue. Print Long A Short a Vowel Sounds Worksheets.
Learning short and long a vowels is of prime importance and proves to be a valuable skill when you start encountering high level vocabulary words.
When teaching the letter sounds be sure to explain that vowels have a short sound, and a long sound.
After seeing the picture of a bag, he. Vowels make a short sound (sat, bed, lip, hot, sun) and a long sound (where the vowel sounds like its name- game, sleep, high, boat, cube). Students will be asked to color the spaces with words that have a short a sound orange and can color the spaces.