Worksheets On Conjunctions For Grade 4. Common conjunctions include: and, or, but, nor, yet, so. One of the main parts of speech, a conjunction is like a paper clip; it can hold two things together.
Conjunctions are words used to connect clauses. Some of the worksheets displayed are Conjunctions, Conjunctions connecting words work, Name date correlative conjunctions, Two types of conjunctions, Using conjunctions, Check your grammar. In this lesson, students will use conjunctions to compare and contrast scary stories.
This worksheet includes basic words and primary-ruled lines.
It can be taught independently or used as a pre-lesson to Using Story Elements to Compare.
The give fluidity to our sentences. In this language arts worksheet, students learn that conjunctions In this language arts worksheet, learners learn that conjunctions can tie two parts of a sentence together. Conjunctions are words that join ideas together.