Multiplication Fact Family Worksheets. These multiplication worksheets include timed math fact drills, fill-in multiplication tables, multiple-digit multiplication, multiplication with decimals and much more! There are nine fact family "houses" on each sheet.
And Dad has a strategy for learning those multiplication facts that you don't want to miss. Students can build their fact fluency by filling out the house fact family. The following diagram shows some examples of the multiplication division fact families.
These do tend to get a little boring and tedious though, so I'd encourage you to mix it up with some of the games and interactive worksheets above!
This fun multiplication and division fact family card game is perfect for workstations, table groups, small groups, early finishers or test review.
When you're done, be sure to check out the unique spiral and bullseye multiplication worksheets to get a. FREE holiday, seasonal, and themed multiplication worksheets to help teach the times tables. All worksheets are pdf documents for easy printing.