Ordering And Comparing Numbers Worksheet. Place Value - Students will rearrange three numbers to make the largest and smallest number possible. Also, order numbers from least to.
Provide opportunities for students to order sets of objects and numbers from smallest to largest and largest. This is an activity full of peril, as it will quickly dispel the idea that you can look at the length of a number to figure out how big it is. Comparing numbers worksheets to practice comparing the numbers.
Below, you will find a wide range of our printable worksheets in chapter Comparing, Ordering, Rounding, and Estimation of section Place Value and Numbers.
In this math worksheet, students use their understanding of place value to practice writing numbers in order from smallest to largest and largest to smallest.
Free Number Sense Worksheets Ordering and Comparing Numbers. Students will have to compare numbers in terms of bigger and smaller and place them in order from small to great and big to small. This is an activity full of peril, as it will quickly dispel the idea that you can look at the length of a number to figure out how big it is.