Longitude And Latitude Map Worksheet. Add this file to your Google Drive by clicking on the link and then clicking on the Google Drive icon in the top right hand corner 'Add to My Drive'. An engaging way to review the difficult concepts of latitude and longitude, as well as states, countries, continents, oceans, cardinal and intermediate directions, and.
Get an introduction to latitude and longitude lines in this social studies worksheet. Fourth-grade students will enjoy looking at the world map and pinpointing different continents based on their world coordinates. Students fill out a latitude and longitude chart after studying a.
East or West from Greenwich England, wherever a place may be, Longitude gives the angular distance, scientifically.
Objectives Students will identify the difference between latitude and longitude. find on a world map the location identified by a pair of map coordinates.
This colorful social studies worksheet teaches young world travelers about lines of longitude and latitude using grid coordinates and an easy-to-read map. Some of the worksheets for this concept are Name date map. It tells how far from Greenwich England anyplace happens to be.