Simplifying Equivalent Fractions. To simplify a fraction, divide the top and bottom by the highest number that can divide into both numbers exactly. All fractions on this sheet have.
Exercises with various levels of difficulty are provided; answer sheets follow the exercises. You can multiply the numerator and denominator in the smaller fraction, by the same number , and get the first fraction back. Simplifying (or reducing) fractions means to make the fraction as simple as possible.
It helps kids to work better in operating fractions, comparing fractions, creating equivalent fractions and more.
Use the illustrations/models to find equivalent fractions.
Many fractions can be reduced down and written in a simpler form. You can multiply the numerator and denominator in the smaller fraction, by the same number , and get the first fraction back. This page includes printable worksheets on simplifying proper fraction, improper fraction, mixed numbers and more.