Stone Fox Vocabulary Words. The last two chapters of Stone Fox has ten vocabulary words to review, including: permitted, outskirts, sprang, massive, instantly, disqualified, glimpse, indicated. Explanation. p. low. acre. harmonica. irrigation credit Vocabulary Worksheet.
Then when they come to the word in the story, they should check to see if the meaning they wrote makes sense. Using Context Clues to Determine Compound Words Compare Stone Fox Book to Other Dog Books Compare Stone Fox Book to Stone Fox Movie. Download Presentation - The PPT/PDF document "Stone Fox Vocabulary" is the property of its rightful owner.
A set of six difficult vocabulary exercises created with abctools for chapter sets of the novel, Stone Fox by John Reynolds Gardiner.
This printable file contains vocabulary word cards and definition cards for the six vocabulary words in the first two chapters of Stone Fox.
Introduce three vocabulary words either by writing on the board or in a handout: strongbox city slickers twilight. Such compound words can be easily mixed up with word-groups of the type «stone wall», so called nominative binomials. For the older student, have him write Vocabulary -entrance fee, amateur(s), moccasins, legends, homeland, Indian reservation, bobbled.