Fact Families Multiplication And Division. A fact family is a group of math facts using the same numbers. Complete the fact family worksheets using multiplication and division facts.
Instructions: Complete the fact family for each set of numbers. Home > Quizzes > Math Quizzes > Multiplication and Division : Fact Family Quiz. Fact Families are sets of three numbers that can be divided or multiplied together and they help develop the understanding of the relationship between multiplication and division.
Complete the fact family worksheets using multiplication and division facts.
Instructions: Complete the fact family for each set of numbers.
A fact family is a set of three numbers that can be related to each other using multiplication and division. (Or as in this post, with addition and subtraction). Just be sure you print off or copy enough cards or houses for your learners! This quiz will require you to use numbers in a fact family to figure out the answers to simple word problems.