Bar Graph And Pictograph Worksheets. Help your first grader review simple graphs—a bar graph and pictogram—with this nifty printable practice quiz. Make a pictograph to show the mode of transport used by children to come to school.
A pictograph is most commonly seen as a pictograph bar chart which uses multiple custom icons to represent the values in each bar. Pictograph Games: Make Your Own Pictograph Pictograph Pictograph Activities Pictograph Worksheets Pictograph Examples Quiz Bar Graph Worksheets. Here you will find our range of bar and picture graph worksheets which involve reading It is really important with pictographs to look at the key, so that they know how much each picture represents.
Results are tallied and used to create a bar graph and pictograph.
Common Core State Standards Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) BC Performance Standards.
Bar graphs are used to represent grouped data in graphs. Pictograph worksheets provide the best-practice environment for students to reinforce the knowledge in analyzing data. The worksheets on this page focus on simple analysis of bar graphs, though some of the activities also involve drawing the correct size bars on the graphs.